Tag Archives: binary operation

Peg Solitaire Solver in just 50 Lines of Code

This blog posts describes a simple program I’ve written so solve the English peg solitaire. If you would like to refresh your “binary operation” knowledge, I’d definitely recommend to read the source code – you can find it at the end of this post! The algorithm is highly optimized and you might be able to learn some tricks when reading through the code.

English Peg Solitaire

English Peg Solitaire

The Game

Peg Solitaire works as follows: A peg (or ball) can be removed by orthogonally jumping over it with a second ball. This is only possible if the cell behind the first ball is empty. The goal is to finish the game with one remaining ball in the center. A found solution can be seen in the following animation.

English Peg Solitaire Solution

English Peg Solitaire Solution


The implementation is highly optimized and uses bit operators to efficiently find a solution. The idea is as following: Since there exists 33 slots on the board, it can not be represented by using an integer (32 bits), but we can use a long (64 bits). The first 49 bits (7 x 7) of the long represent the board. However there are some bits that are not valid and never used, i.e. 0,1,5,6,7,8,12,13 and so on. Checking of possible moves and applying them can be done by using simple bit operations.

The really interesting part is that the algorithm is optimized by reverting the search direction. You can find more details on this in the comment header of the program below.

Memory Usage

There is often a tradeoff with algorithms when it comes to memory usage and run time. With this particular algorithm it is no different. Remembering the boards that we have already seen (and not rechecking them unnecessarily) means that a solution is found in a very reasonable time (usually a few seconds). Not doing so means that my computer is still working on a solution since 24 hours (however it is using almost no ram). In general a gigabyte of ram, used to remember the known boards, should be enough to allow for a solution to be found.

Run Time

Interestingly the run time highly fluctuates, depending on the ordering of the possible moves. The program always checks the moves in the same order when looking at any given boards and sometimes this (initially determined) order is “unlucky”. The branch that the algorithm follows might not include a solution, but it still is searched in its entirety.

An idea to reduce the fluctuation would be to use heuristics and to rank the moves depending on the board, i.e. which move makes “more sense” for a given board.

The Algorithm

Update: In the following you’ll find the Java version, but the reddit user leonardo_m has also translated the code to C++! http://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/24meqs/peg_solitaire_solver_in_just_50_lines/ch8xu9s

The following is 52 lines of code according to IntelliJ LoC metric.

import java.util.*;

public class PegSolitaireSolver {
    private static final HashSet<Long> seenBoards = new HashSet<Long>();
    private static final ArrayList<Long> solution = new ArrayList<Long>();

    private static final long GOAL_BOARD = 16777216L;
    private static final long INITIAL_BOARD = 124141717933596L;
    private static final long VALID_BOARD_CELLS = 124141734710812L;

    private static final long[][] moves = new long[76][];

    private static void printBoard(long board) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 49; i++) {
            boolean validCell = ((1L << i) & VALID_BOARD_CELLS) != 0L;
            System.out.print(validCell ? (((1L << i) & board) != 0L ? "X " : "O ") : "  ");
            if (i % 7 == 6) System.out.println();

    private static void createMoves(int bit1, int bit2, int bit3, ArrayList<long[]> moves) {
        moves.add(new long[]{(1L << bit1), (1L << bit2) | (1L << bit3), (1L << bit1) | (1L << bit2) | (1L << bit3)});
        moves.add(new long[]{(1L << bit3), (1L << bit2) | (1L << bit1), (1L << bit1) | (1L << bit2) | (1L << bit3)});

    private static boolean search(long board) {
        for (long[] move : moves) {
            if ((move[1] & board) == 0L && (move[0] & board) != 0L) {
                long newBoard = board ^ move[2];
                if (!seenBoards.contains(newBoard)) {
                    if (newBoard == INITIAL_BOARD || search(newBoard)) {
                        return true;
        return false;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        long time = System.currentTimeMillis();

        ArrayList<long[]> moves = new ArrayList<long[]>();
        int[] starts = new int[] {2,9,14,15,16,17,18,21,22,23,24,25,28,29,30,31,32,37,44};
        for (int start : starts) {
            createMoves(start, start + 1, start + 2, moves);
            createMoves((start%7) * 7 + start/7, (start%7 + 1) * 7 + start/7, (start%7 + 2) * 7 + start/7, moves);


        for (long step : solution)
        System.out.println("Completed in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) + " ms.");

And here is the commented version.

import java.util.*;

 * Peg Solitaire Solver
 * Copyright (C) 2014 blackflux.com <pegsolitaire@blackflux.com>
 *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as
 *  published by the Free Software Foundation.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

 * Solver for the English peg solitaire.
 * This program finds a random solution for peg solitaire game by using brute force.
 * -- Runtime
 * A solution is typically found in less than two seconds, but the time does highly
 * fluctuate (I've seen everything from a few milliseconds to several seconds).
 * -- Implementation
 * The implementation is highly optimized and uses bit operators to efficiently find
 * a solution. The idea is as following: Since there exists 33 slots on the board, it
 * can not be represented by using an integer (32 bits), but we can use a long (64 bits).
 * The first 49 bits (7 x 7) of the long represent the board. However there are some bits
 * that are not valid and never used, i.e. 0,1,5,6,7,8,12,13 and so on. Checking of
 * possible moves and applying them can be done by using simple bit operations.
 * A recursive function is then used to check all possible moves for a given board,
 * applying each valid move and calling itself with the resulting board. The recursion is
 * done "in reverse", starting from the goal board. While this is not conceptually faster [a],
 * it allows for a minimum amount of bit operations in the recursion:
 * To reverse a move we can simply check
 * - (board & twoBalls) == 0 and
 * - (board & oneBall) != 0
 * where "twoBalls" indicates the two ball that would need to be added for this reversed move.
 * If we instead used the intuitive search direction, the same check would require additional
 * binary operations, since a simple inversion of the check would not work [b].
 * Paper [1] shows how the moves can be ordered to almost instantly find a solution.
 * Website [2] gives a nice overview of binary operations and some tricks that
 * can be applied.
 * [a] Playing the game in reverse is simply the inversion of the original game - just remove all
 * balls from the board and place ball where there were none before and you'll understand
 * what I mean.
 * [b] There is no "single" binary operation to check if two specific bits are set, but there
 * is one to check if they are both zero. There is further a binary operation to check if a specific
 * bit is set.
 * [1] http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi= (download at the top)
 * [2] http://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html
public class Solver {

    // list of seen boards - this is used to prevent rechecking of paths
    private static final HashSet<Long> seenBoards = new HashSet<Long>();

    // list of solution boards in ascending order - filled in once the solution is found
    private static final ArrayList<Long> solution = new ArrayList<Long>();

    // -------

    // goal board (one marble in center)
    private static final long GOAL_BOARD = 16777216L;

    // initial board (one marble free in center)
    private static final long INITIAL_BOARD = 124141717933596L;

    // board that contains a ball in every available slot, i.e. GOAL_BOARD | INITIAL_BOARD
    private static final long VALID_BOARD_CELLS = 124141734710812L;

    // holds all 76 moves that are possible
    // the inner array is structures as following:
    // - first entry holds the peg that is added by the move
    // - second entry holds the two pegs that are removed by the move
    // - third entry holds all three involved pegs
    private static final long[][] moves = new long[76][];

    // -------

    // print the board
    private static void printBoard(long board) {
        // loop over all cells (the board is 7 x 7)
        for (int i = 0; i < 49; i++) {
            boolean validCell = ((1L << i) & VALID_BOARD_CELLS) != 0L;
            System.out.print(validCell ? (((1L << i) & board) != 0L ? "X " : "O ") : "  ");
            if (i % 7 == 6) System.out.println();

    // create the two possible moves for the three added pegs
    // (this function assumes that the pegs are in one continuous line)
    private static void createMoves(int bit1, int bit2, int bit3, ArrayList<long[]> moves) {
        moves.add(new long[]{(1L << bit1), (1L << bit2) | (1L << bit3),
                (1L << bit1) | (1L << bit2) | (1L << bit3)});
        moves.add(new long[]{(1L << bit3), (1L << bit2) | (1L << bit1),
                (1L << bit1) | (1L << bit2) | (1L << bit3)});

    // do the calculation recursively by starting from
    // the "GOAL_BOARD" and doing moves in reverse
    private static boolean search(long board) {
        // for all possible moves
        for (long[] move : moves) {
            // check if the move is valid
            // Note: we place "two ball" check first since it is more
            // likely to fail. This saves about 20% in run time (!)
            if ((move[1] & board) == 0L && (move[0] & board) != 0L) {
                // calculate the board after this move was applied
                long newBoard = board ^ move[2];
                // only continue processing if we have not seen this board before
                if (!seenBoards.contains(newBoard)) {
                    // check if the initial board is reached
                    if (newBoard == INITIAL_BOARD || search(newBoard)) {
                        return true;
        return false;

    // the main method
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // to measure the overall runtime of the program
        long time = System.currentTimeMillis();

        // add starting board (as this board is not added by the recursive function)

        // generate all possible moves
        ArrayList<long[]> moves = new ArrayList<long[]>();
        // holds all starting positions in west-east direction
        int[] startsX = new int[] {2,9,14,15,16,17,18,21,22,23,24,25,28,29,30,31,32,37,44};
        for (int x : startsX) {
            createMoves(x, x + 1, x + 2, moves);
        // holds all starting positions in north-south direction
        int[] startsY = new int[] {2,3,4,9,10,11,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,23,24,25,30,31,32};
        for (int y : startsY) {
            createMoves(y, y + 7, y + 14, moves);
        // randomize the order of the moves (this highly influences the resulting runtime)
        // fill in the global moves variable that is used by the solver

        // start recursively search for the initial board from the goal (reverse direction!)

        // print required time
        System.out.println("Completed in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) + " ms.");

        // print the found solution
        for (long step : solution) {

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